
Lab to Market: Bridging the Gap

In recent years, the nexus between academia and industry has become increasingly pronounced, ushering in a new era where groundbreaking research in healthcare is not only valued for its scientific merit but also for its potential commercial applications. The commercialization of academic research in healthcare represents a dynamic intersection where innovative ideas cultivated in the hallowed halls of academia are transformed into tangible products, therapies, and technologies that have the power to revolutionize the healthcare landscape.

Traditionally, academic research has been driven by a pursuit of knowledge and a commitment to advancing human understanding. However, as the global healthcare challenges escalate, there is a growing recognition of the need to translate these academic discoveries into real-world solutions that can improve patient outcomes, enhance medical treatments, and address unmet healthcare needs. The commercialization of academic research offers a strategic pathway to bridge the gap between scientific discovery and practical application, fostering a symbiotic relationship between the realms of academia and industry.

This paradigm shift is fueled by several factors, including the increasing demand for innovative healthcare solutions, the rising costs and complexities associated with research and development, and the desire to accelerate the pace at which novel therapies reach patients. As universities and research institutions embrace a more entrepreneurial mindset, collaborations with industry partners, the establishment of spin-off companies, and the licensing of intellectual property have become integral components of the academic research ecosystem.

In this era of unprecedented scientific advancement, the commercialization of academic research in healthcare stands as a transformative force, propelling scientific discoveries from laboratory benches to the forefront of patient care.

Creating Value

For Healthcare

Rapid Scaling

Global Health Impact

mproved Patient

Regulatory Compliance and Quality Assurance

Faster Translation
of Discoveries

Addressing Unmet

For Researchers

Intellectual Property

Innovation Diffusion


Feedback Loop for Research Improvement


Sustainable Funding

For Academia

Resource Mobilization

Global Competitiveness



Economic Growth
and Job Creation


Beyond the Lab

In the dynamic realm of healthcare innovation, Invitreo stands as a beacon of transformation, bridging the gap between academic research and real-world applications. Specializing in the commercialization of cutting-edge discoveries, Invitreo is at the forefront of pioneering advancements in healthcare, with a particular emphasis on medical devices.

At its core, Invitreo is dedicated to translating the wealth of knowledge generated in academic institutions into tangible solutions that have a meaningful impact on patient well-being. By strategically focusing on bioprinting and regenerative medicine, the company exemplifies a commitment to pushing the boundaries of medical science, offering innovative approaches to address the complex challenges in healthcare.

Invitreo is distinguished not only by its ability to navigate the complex intersection of academia and industry but also by its unwavering commitment to fostering collaborative relationships with leading research institutions. The company serves as a catalyst, propelling groundbreaking academic research from the laboratory to the market, where it can make a tangible difference in patient outcomes.

As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, Invitreo emerges as a dynamic force, driving the commercialization of academic research and paving the way for a new era in medical device innovation. With a vision firmly rooted in innovation and a mission to bring transformative solutions to the forefront of healthcare, Invitreo stands poised to shape the future of medical advancements

SDG Impact

Commercializing healthcare research drives multiple SDGs

Yields new drugs, devices, and therapies, enhancing diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Reduce mortality and morbidity rates and strengthen health systems through reinvestment.

Creates jobs in R&D, manufacturing, and distribution, fueling economic growth and entrepreneurship. It attracts investment, enhances global competitiveness, and boosts export potential.

Spurs private investment in R&D, driving innovation for new treatments and technologies. It leads to advanced medical tools, promotes knowledge sharing, and accelerates scientific discovery.

Affordable over time, benefiting low-income communities. Incentivizes research into neglected diseases, fosters public-private partnerships, and empowers local capacity building.

Social Impact

Commercializing healthcare research drives multiple SDGs

Improved Access to Healthcare

Promotes new drugs, devices, and treatments, improving healthcare access in underserved areas and reducing health disparities.

Empowerment through Knowledge

Academic, industry, and healthcare collaboration shares knowledge, empowering professionals to provide evidence-based care and enabling patients to manage their health actively.

Enhanced Health Outcomes

Cutting-edge healthcare products from commercial research enhance disease management, lower mortality, and improve quality of life for individuals and communities.

Global Health Diplomacy

Promotes global collaboration, sharing resources & technologies to tackle health challenges and achieve common goals.

Economic Opportunities

Drives investment, job growth, and entrepreneurship in biotech, pharma, and medical devices, bolstering economic prosperity and livelihoods.

COVID Impact

Accelerated Innovation

COVID-19 urgency has sped up healthcare research and innovation, emphasizing rapid development and commercialization of diagnostics, treatments, and vaccines.

Enhanced Collaboration

Pandemic response highlights the importance of collaboration between governments, academia, industry, and organizations, facilitated by commercialization.

Addressing Inequities

Commercialization can mitigate health disparities by improving access to affordable healthcare solutions, especially for vulnerable communities.

Economic Stimulus

Commercialization drives economic recovery by generating investment, jobs, and innovation in healthcare sectors.

Building Resilient Systems

Investing in commercialized healthcare research strengthens healthcare systems by promoting innovative solutions for effective crisis management.

Challenges in Commercializing Research

Due to the complex nature of the healthcare industry and unique characteristics of medical innovations, only about 5%-10% of academic discoveries in healthcare are commercialized.

Long Development Timelines

due to extensive research, development, and regulation.

Stringent Regulatory Requirements

extending commercialization timelines and increasing costs

High Failure Rates

as many fail to meet clinical, regulatory, or market demands despite substantial investment

Costly Clinical Trials

particularly challenging for small companies and academic researchers.

Market Access Challenges

due to complex healthcare systems and policies.

Intellectual Property Issues

due to complex and costly nature involving patents and infringement concerns.

Market Uncertainty

due to healthcare market's dynamic nature, requires thorough analysis and strategic planning.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration

across diverse fields, requiring coordination and alignment of interests is important for success yet hard top achieve.

Invitreo Advantage


We partner with top academic institutions to
identify discoveries with commercial potential

Evaluation & Due Diligence

Our experienced team rigorously evaluates
research projects for commercial viability.

Licensing and IP Management

We protect and manage intellectual property
to maximize value for all parties involved


We secure funding for commercialization by
connecting with VC firms, angel investors,
and other funding sources.

Product Development Support

We offer comprehensive support throughout
the product development lifecycle

Regulatory & Compliance

Our regulatory experts navigate innovators
through complex regulations, ensuring
compliance with laws and standards.

Commercialization Strategy

Tailored commercialization plans based on
thorough market analysis

Market Launch & Distribution

We facilitate successful market launch and
distribution by leveraging our network
of industry partners, distributors, and
healthcare providers

Contact Us


Invitreo Biosciences Pte. Ltd.
160 Robinson Road #24-09
SBF Center, Singapore 068914

Email: info@invitreo.com


Invitreo Biosciences Inc.
447 Broadway, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10013

Email: info@invitreo.com


Invitreo Biosciences Pvt. Ltd.
38, Giri Road, T Nagar
Chennai 600017

Email: info@invitreo.com